Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Less nervous, more encouraged.

Although I'm nervous for the walk on Saturday/Sunday, reading this really helped me cool my jets:

For those about to walk for the first time, I thought this just might help address a few of those nagging last-minute questions:
I am so nervous! – Ok, you’re nervous. So what?
What if I can’t walk all the way? – Who cares? No one is keeping track but you.
What if I get a blister? – What if you do?
What if I don’t know anyone? – You’ll meet hundreds of nice people.
What if I packed too much? – You did.
What if I didn’t pack something? – You’ll live.
What if it rains? – You’ll get wet; you won’t drown.
What if there’s thunder and lightning? – You’ll be moved to a safe indoors location.
What if it’s cold? ‐ You won't freeze to death.What if it is hot? – You’ll sweat.
What if I don’t like the food? – You’ll pass 472 convenience stores; you’ll manage.
What if I don’t like the porta‐potties? – No one likes the porta‐potties. You’ll survive.
What if I don’t like the showers? – Ok, don’t shower. But check with your tent mate first.
What if I can’t sleep in a tent? – You’ll be tired; you’ll sleep.
What if…?Enough already with the “What if’s?” You’ll do fine. Relax and enjoy the experience. Because of the money you’ve raised, money is going to go towards early detection programs. In a few months, a woman (or a man) is going to take advantage of one of those programs, and is going to find out that they have breast cancer. But because of you, they will have found out early enough to get treatment, and to survive.They’re going to watch their kids grow up, and be at their concerts and games. They’re going to go to their graduations and weddings. They’re going to get to see their grandchildren. All because of you. While they’ll never know it, you will know it. Any more questions? No?
Enjoy your walk. Every step will be a gift and a blessing.