Monday, January 5, 2009


So, before Christmas I got myself the full set of Nooma videos b/c they had a cyber monday special. I was super-excited and finally got them into the DVD player this weekend. (If you don't know these videos, you should check them out. They are at most 15 minutes and they give a snippet of putting scripture into practice.) It was so great to watch Rob Bell's face during the videos. He is very intense and excited about what he wants to share. I can only hope to be half as excited as he is about my faith. My favorite right now is called Today. I have had a little trouble lately living in the moment b/c I seem to compare myself to friends who live on the coast or play ultimate frisbee with their group of awesome friends or go on amazing mission trips to 'save the world' while I'm concerned about being "boring." This video is 11 minutes of immersing yourself in the here & now, the present, TODAY and I will continue to watch it to have a nice reminder...afterall, I need more reminders than instructions (I've heard that before...maybe from CS Lewis, but I cannot find the source).

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