Sunday, March 29, 2009

puddle jumping

well, it's been a while since i've been puddle jumping, but yesterday was the day! i was helping with a doggy pageant yesterday and a friend brought his 1 year-old son. it was raining buckets and, although i was the only one with my rain boots on, i started jumping in the puddles. it was so great! he started jumping with me and celebrated his last day as a 1 year-old! he went the next step and sat down in them...i didn't make it that far, but had fun!!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Our visit to Jason's Deli

So, yesterday I told John I wanted to eat at Jason's Deli & he agreed. I've been several times, between here & Charleston, but learned that this was John's first time. We both got a turkey rueben, John a whole & me a half with salad bar. I got lots of muffins for us to share and then eventually told him they were complimentary, which he really liked. He also liked the bathroom- clean, foam soap, trash can by the door & motion-delivered paper towels. Then I mentioned that I wanted some ice cream. After we clarified where it was, I told him it was also complimentary and he immediately said "for me too!?" So I told him that I was going to write down all he said on one of their comment cards. Then he have to start the card by saying I like their cute little beetle bailey hats. :) funny. we got to-go cups for our soda & he enjoyed the cane sugar variety...they have 3 cane sugar sodas. Needless to say, we will return! :)

Saturday, March 14, 2009

How do you eat your Goldfish?

Well, these aren't my favorite snack...a bit salty....but when I eat them, this is how:

two at a time
one on each side of my mouth
swimming toward my throat
salted side facing cheeks
bite them in half, down the line that joined the halves when they were baked