Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Less nervous, more encouraged.

Although I'm nervous for the walk on Saturday/Sunday, reading this really helped me cool my jets:

For those about to walk for the first time, I thought this just might help address a few of those nagging last-minute questions:
I am so nervous! – Ok, you’re nervous. So what?
What if I can’t walk all the way? – Who cares? No one is keeping track but you.
What if I get a blister? – What if you do?
What if I don’t know anyone? – You’ll meet hundreds of nice people.
What if I packed too much? – You did.
What if I didn’t pack something? – You’ll live.
What if it rains? – You’ll get wet; you won’t drown.
What if there’s thunder and lightning? – You’ll be moved to a safe indoors location.
What if it’s cold? ‐ You won't freeze to death.What if it is hot? – You’ll sweat.
What if I don’t like the food? – You’ll pass 472 convenience stores; you’ll manage.
What if I don’t like the porta‐potties? – No one likes the porta‐potties. You’ll survive.
What if I don’t like the showers? – Ok, don’t shower. But check with your tent mate first.
What if I can’t sleep in a tent? – You’ll be tired; you’ll sleep.
What if…?Enough already with the “What if’s?” You’ll do fine. Relax and enjoy the experience. Because of the money you’ve raised, money is going to go towards early detection programs. In a few months, a woman (or a man) is going to take advantage of one of those programs, and is going to find out that they have breast cancer. But because of you, they will have found out early enough to get treatment, and to survive.They’re going to watch their kids grow up, and be at their concerts and games. They’re going to go to their graduations and weddings. They’re going to get to see their grandchildren. All because of you. While they’ll never know it, you will know it. Any more questions? No?
Enjoy your walk. Every step will be a gift and a blessing.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

from bad to good

I was looking for car papers the other day...and still haven't found them. But, in the process, I have found many other things. One thing I was thankful to find was the paperwork from my NOLS trip. It was everything from my receipt to my "what to pack" list to my end-of-the-trip evaluation. I was dreading looking inside when I saw the folder.
I have bad memories of the last day of that trip because of the evaluation with one of the instructors. We'd all decided (everyone taking the class) that none of us were there for actual school credits, so we didn't keep close track of grade-style evaluation. There were two instructors in the class and I felt like the one I clicked with did not do my evaluation, so that was a little bit of a bummer. But, I went on my longest climb with him, so I now accept that was more reasonable. He made a comment about how I was not a positive talker, that I was always picking on one guy. That one guy was in my cook group (3 groups of 3) and we were good friends. He was the best climber on the trip and he and I picked back and forth. It was great and we both dished it out. I was so discouraged by that comment and by the fact it came from him. I was also upset that it was the end of the trip and I didn't realize that then. From the end of this trip and then end of our honeymoon, I have since come to know how upset I can become just because it's the end. It alters my mood so much that I couldn't even explain it.
So anyway, back to the NOLS eval. I looked back over it and saw that it was really positive. I was so thankful because I don't remember it that way. When I think of that trip, I don't get the best feellings and now I'm able to start the shift to loving the trip the way I did when we were there. It was an amazing trip with some awesome people. I learned lots and had some great experiences. It was the most outdoor, real-rock climbing I've ever done at once and maybe more than I've done all together. It was great!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

did i win?

i have found myself feeling guilty lately...i keep winning things on ebay. yes, i do get picked on for saying "win" because, really, i have to pay for them! this is the reason i've been feeling guilty...i win then i have to pay. honestly, can i use all these satchels??

Sunday, March 29, 2009

puddle jumping

well, it's been a while since i've been puddle jumping, but yesterday was the day! i was helping with a doggy pageant yesterday and a friend brought his 1 year-old son. it was raining buckets and, although i was the only one with my rain boots on, i started jumping in the puddles. it was so great! he started jumping with me and celebrated his last day as a 1 year-old! he went the next step and sat down in them...i didn't make it that far, but had fun!!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Our visit to Jason's Deli

So, yesterday I told John I wanted to eat at Jason's Deli & he agreed. I've been several times, between here & Charleston, but learned that this was John's first time. We both got a turkey rueben, John a whole & me a half with salad bar. I got lots of muffins for us to share and then eventually told him they were complimentary, which he really liked. He also liked the bathroom- clean, foam soap, trash can by the door & motion-delivered paper towels. Then I mentioned that I wanted some ice cream. After we clarified where it was, I told him it was also complimentary and he immediately said "for me too!?" So I told him that I was going to write down all he said on one of their comment cards. Then he said...you have to start the card by saying I like their cute little beetle bailey hats. :) funny. we got to-go cups for our soda & he enjoyed the cane sugar variety...they have 3 cane sugar sodas. Needless to say, we will return! :)

Saturday, March 14, 2009

How do you eat your Goldfish?

Well, these aren't my favorite snack...a bit salty....but when I eat them, this is how:

two at a time
one on each side of my mouth
swimming toward my throat
salted side facing cheeks
bite them in half, down the line that joined the halves when they were baked

Sunday, February 8, 2009

if you're not a facebooker...

i posted my 25 things about me and then had so much fun reading other's that I added more. here they are:

1. I am addicted to more tv shows than I'd ever like to be and we don't even have cable. Monday-The Bachelor, Tuesday-Biggest Loser (which we call Fat People), Wednesday-LOST, Thursday-Grey's, Friday-(sometimes) Wife Swap & SuperNanny.

2. I enjoy sending snail mail because I know that people enjoy receiving it.

3. I would like to have a job at which I could wear my Chacos every day. They are super comfy and I adore a good Chaco tan.

4. When I was in college, I wanted to be an Assistant Summer Camp Director. Once I achieved that goal, I wasn't sure what to dream of next. I would go back in an instant! And I got to wear my Chacos & be at the beach daily (see 3 & 5)

5. I miss the beach LOTS. Before I worked at camp, I had only been to the beach 7 times. Then, I lived & worked there and the count is gone. I never knew how much I'd miss the water since I grew up in KY, but that was the hardest move I've ever made.

6. I really like pictures. I like taking them and think I do an OK job. I like being in them, but that is much less frequent because John is not great at taking them. Also, you can barely see me because John is even worse at using zoom.

7. Hawaii, specifically Kauai, is one of my favorite places EVER! (see 5 & 6)

8. I like being creative. I have made one t-shirt quilt so far and plan on making another one that is t-shirts on both sides. Thank goodness my mom brought me a sewing machine...if only I can be as crafty as Nichol. (http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=6319028)

9. There are three things that are indescribable for me: 1. putting on my climbing shoes 2. taking a big breath, going underwater & pushing off for a swim 3. the first few steps of a good run.

10. I collect satchels...they are not purses, they are SATCHELS! (my satchels of choice are Fossil & Vera Bradley)

11. I really like to workout and eat healthy, but I also like junkfood & lack motivation at times.

12. I don't enjoy social beverages...not coffee, not beer, not wine. (And I've somehow gotten an allergy to alcohol lately...it gives me a red, splotchy, itchy face. What's my deal?!)

13. I don't sleep well. I can't take naps and lately I've been trying to get some early nights, but these silly shows (see 1) aren't helping. Plus, John SNORES!

14. I know at least 15 people who have been pregnant in the last year. I can't wait to be a mom, but the closer it gets, the more overwhelming it seems. I have had a long list of things to do before kids and not sure that I'll get to all of them...top three-overseas mission trip, go back to Europe & visit my German family, swim with dolphins.

15. I'm a great shopper (see 10) and have said to a friend of mine recently "I don't understand how our Discover bill gets so big." :)

16. When I was little, my favorite activity with my best friend was playing Run Away. We would pack up lots of blankets and carry them to a neighborhood club house and make it like home. We could play this every day. And then when it got dark, we'd start with Hide & Seek, which we'd play until Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman came on. We took a break to watch it and then head back outside.

17. I like to read before I go to bed. I usually read one chapter a night, which makes for a long time to read a book.

18. I hope to be a mom who invites the friends of her children over. I was always at my friend's houses and knew their parents a lot better than my mom knew my friends. I would sometimes eat at twice, once at my house & once at my friend's house, so I could hang out longer.

19. Some days I want to go camping for a week, no shower, same clothes. Some days I want to wear dresses all week & be fancy. Some days I want to wear Chacos & a skirt to hike & camp in.

20. I really like blankets...soft ones...and I'm good at picking out an awesome blanket! (see 16)

21. As fabulous as it is to have friends & family spread all over, I really love & miss them!

22. I would like to be an avid blogger. I realize my life is not exciting enough...

23. I have lots of stuff. Even clothing I have trouble getting rid of because it holds sentimental value...here's to a t-shirt quilt soon!

24. I think turtles are amazing. When I worked at camp, we got to teach the kids about how the Loggerhead would lay her eggs on the beach, they'd swim around for years, then they'd come back to the same beach to lay eggs when they became adults....how do they do that?!

25. At big family meals (Thanksgiving & Christmas), we would always have black olives. John & his family do NOT like them, so they usually get them for me & I can eat the whole can by myself. We also had my grandpa's homemade sweet pickles, but we just ate the last jar a few years ago (and it was only about 20 years old...).

BONUS 26. I really like putting stickers on my car (and lots of things). Right now I have at least 15...GREAT!

1. When I was little, I sat on my feet, toes pointed in (I still do this by the way). So, in attempt to alleviate this and the way it was turning my toes in when I was standing, I had to wear weird white plastic high-top shoes. I have recently gotten a complex, thanks to one friennd who always points out that my toes still turn in a bit...thanks!

2. When I put on the breaks in my car, it produces energy to charge the battery. It records how much energy is produced on the screen inside and a little symbol shows up and a "Wh." I'm not exactly sure what it stands for, but I call them "What-cha-hoosies." I'm pretty sure that's what Toyota calls them too.

3. My grandparents used to own a cottage in Canada. It was such an amazing place!! There was an outhouse and we would feed raccoons by hand. There was no running water, so we got to go to a pump and pump out gallons for drinking water. It was on a lake and we would go fishing pretty much daily (I usually caught perch that would be great to use as bait). I even got to clean them! (But I don't like to eat fish now.) We had a cool little ice cream joint we'd go to and we bought milk in a bag. There was a rock in the lake that was huge and we'd jump off it and dangle our feet off while the fish nibbled on our toes. It was a great place and I was uber-sad (which is really spelled ueber because the u has an umlaut above it and is written ue when writing out German) when the family decided to sell it. I'd also go back there in an instant.

4. I get a little nervous calling others, even my BFFs, because I get worried that there will be awkward silences and I want to be able to have great conversatiions every time.

5. I used to be smart. You see, I had 5 wisdom teeth extracted and, since they took them, I just haven't been the same. :)

6. The scariest thing I've ever done was have eye surgery. -stop reading now if you get grossed out by that kind of thing- My eye was propped my eyes open with something that looked like a bent paperclip. They told me I had to be still and look at the little red light for a minute (maaybe two). They used some kind of knife machine to cut the top of my eye and make a flap; it was still hanging on by a little. They then lasered my eye to change its shape. I was super nervous, so I was rubbing my foot on the table. She told me I better stop or I'll mess it all up. More nervous! After the laser was done, she painted the flap back down with some solution (guessing saline). That was the right eye. They cut the left eye and started lasering. She told them to stop it. More nervous. I must have moved ever so slightly or I wasn't exactly lined up perfectly to start with, so she readjusted my position. Start over, laser, paint. Then we had to go back to the exam room and look through the machine that they do everyone's exams with. She said we had to go back to the OR. More nervous! She peeled back my right eye flap and used the paint brush (it probably was a medical tool, but looked like a paint brush) to fish some dust or something out and then painted my flap back down. One more visit to the exam room and out the door...now I see 20/15 and it's so nice to not have to worry about contacts getting fuzzy on me when I get tired or having to take them out when I'm camping!

7. I really didn't want to read Harry Potter because it was "the thing to do." I finally broke down when a friend told me it was so good and the first 6 books were already out, so I knew I wouldn't have to wait years for the next one to come out. They were great! I actually convinced my mom to try them out. I don't know that she's read a book since high school. She started reading them and, after finishing the series, she is now reading like a crazy woman! It's cool that those books got kids reading, but even cooler that they got my mom to read!

8. I still feel like I'm going home when I drive to Charleston. It's the place I lived longest since I moved from where I grew up and my first real job. Lots happened there!

9. I really like the smell of chlorine. After I've gone swimming, I like that chlorine smell sticks on my skin even after a shower.

10. Buffalo chicken is my go-to food. If we're out somewhere and I'm not sure what to get, it'll be buffalo chicken (or maybe regular chicken fingers with honey mustard...). :)

11. If there was a movie made about my life, I would be flattered to have Evangeline Lily play me (she's much hotter, but I think she's amazing and, hey, we both have curly hair!). I would also settle to just meet her.

12. I have crazy dreams a LOT...and then I like to tell people about them, especially if they're in it.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


sometimes i leave the house without it. well, today was one of those days. not remembering if i had some on my locker at work, i figured i could just use the one from my workout bag on the way. so, i got stopped by the train and that would give me time. (side note: since it was cold today, i was wearing a tank top, long-sleeve shirt, scrubs top, scarf & puffy down jacket) well, i put the deodorant on the left, then moved to the right side. i was moving the deodorant in my armpit, but didn't feel it. low and behold, i was putting it on my long-sleeve shirt instead of my skin. so, i reapplied on ME and, i suppose, i was just double protected today!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

sewing saga

This weekend I accomplished much! I vacuumed all the baseboards & window sills in our house (minus John's room because I can't navigate through all his mess), vacuumed my car, washed my car windows & added new stickers, did laundry and...broke open my new sewing machine.
I had my grandma's sewing machine,but when my mom tried to use it once, it wouldn't turn off. The pedal wasn't depressed (that we could tell), but it just kept going. So, she took it somewhere in Lexington to get fixed and they told her it would be about $80 to get it looked at. Well, it wasn't doing us much good, so she'd have them check it out. Weeks later, Ibrought it up and she said she'd need to call them. When she called, they told her they got rid of it....that she'd told them it was too much to fix. Um, what!? She'd never talked to them about it. I got a bit upset, more for a sentimental value than having a sewing machine. But, as mom has been practicing, she decided it wasn't worth getting upset about and just wanted to figure out what to do next. She got a little bit of a discount (not enough to settle for getting rid of grandma's machine) and got me a new one. I got it out and just was doing a little practicing with it yesterday. I got some new Fiskars since I could barely cut fabric with my scissors yesterday and told John, "You can't use them." He told me that's what his grandma used to say. :) Now I need to get my million (maybe a LITTLE exaggeration) t-shirts together to make another quilt! If only I could be as creative as Nichol...

Monday, January 5, 2009


So, before Christmas I got myself the full set of Nooma videos b/c they had a cyber monday special. I was super-excited and finally got them into the DVD player this weekend. (If you don't know these videos, you should check them out. They are at most 15 minutes and they give a snippet of putting scripture into practice.) It was so great to watch Rob Bell's face during the videos. He is very intense and excited about what he wants to share. I can only hope to be half as excited as he is about my faith. My favorite right now is called Today. I have had a little trouble lately living in the moment b/c I seem to compare myself to friends who live on the coast or play ultimate frisbee with their group of awesome friends or go on amazing mission trips to 'save the world' while I'm concerned about being "boring." This video is 11 minutes of immersing yourself in the here & now, the present, TODAY and I will continue to watch it to have a nice reminder...afterall, I need more reminders than instructions (I've heard that before...maybe from CS Lewis, but I cannot find the source).